Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lois Lerner's arrogance

I'm trying to remember when I've seen a radical display of haughtiness and hubris as I witnessed this morning when Lois Lerner of the IRS sat before Darrell Issa's committee and basically told them to stuff it because she's taking the Fifth.

She was seething underneath as she conferred with her three or four lawyers, giving the congresspeople the evil eye every chance she got. I've done nothing wrong, she proclaimed, tensing up through her anger. I've been with the IRS more than umpty-umpt years. How dare you question me, an entrenched and loyal Bureaucrat. I know where the bodies are buried because I put them there. I take all the orders from the best of 'em without question, and I'll be hung before I share a thing with you miserable politicians. I'll be here many years after you go back home to your pitiful little lives and boring backwater states.

Of course, the Fifth Amendment is to protect the innocent; why is it only the seemingly guilty use it? Ms. Lerner's inclination to declare the Fifth could indicate she's in deep and followed orders from above like a good  IRS bureaucrat. You don't stay in the Federal Government hierarchy by being a firebrand. You follow directives and orders and get good performance reviews, year after year, "project" after project. And after watching Lerner, it's clear she has earned her big directors salary and bonuses which criteria likely includes being a full on bitch who hates people.

Her IRS colleagues also testifying before the committee, seem to have a propensity for coming off as strange and freaky. They are literal, eely oddballs dispensing inane and silly, sometimes distracted answers to specific questions about the people who were responsible for their IRS mess. If we've heard "I don't know" once we've heard it twenty or thirty times.

Who is in charge? Who does know? Their respective titles are commissioners, directors, deputy this and deputy that; so who the hell gives the orders?  I now understand the term "stonewalling" as they all sit there like stones!

There's more
I heard about a citizen protest that took place in front of the IRS building in St. Louis yesterday. Before you look at the controversial source and dismiss it out of hand--Infowars and Alex Jones--please consider who the protesters are. They are women and men like the rest of us and most of whom probably have never marched in a rally in their lives. For them to come out is major. There's an old marketing axiom: if one person complains, there are thirty who feel that way who do not complain. By that measure, this was a significant turnout.

After realizing the tone of the march and type of protesters, it's important to look at just who was on the sideline in cars marked Homeland Security, Federal Police. What are they doing there? What possible mischief could these folks get into? Throw a hot cup of coffee at an officer? Beat them with a placard? Couldn't the local police handle this? Sounds kinda brown shirty or SS-ey to me.

The scandals plaguing President Obama are getting away from him pretty fast. However, his cover up machine is unpredictable. How far will these scandals go? Will his Dem friends hang on? After all, how would you like to be the first democrat to contemplate impeaching the first black president?

I read that even the First Mrs. wants to get away from the president on an "extended vacation" on Martha's Vineyard this summer. Maybe she can ask Ms. Lerner to go along too. No protesters on the Vineyard!

Thanks for the read.

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