Monday, October 7, 2013

Pull over, George. I wanna see the presidents!

Regardless of the fallout from closing down the government, probably the most salient takeaways of this whole event are the displays of the huge, impersonal and vast reach of our elected officials and bureaucrats as they hunker down and "mean business," to wit.

The Amber Alert apparatus is arbitrarily shut down--an important, vital key in missing child response--by someone in the upper echelon of our government, while Michelle Obama's "Get Moving" program is up and running.

Did you know that the World War II memorial is closed, yet the president can do golf over at Andrews AFB?

How about this?

This is the road past Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. The Feds have made it so one can't pull over or stop to take pictures of the monument. Think about that. This seems like a punitive action against the American people from a vengeful and immature group of those who are declaring that since the government has shut down, they are "...winning." As Speaker Boehner stated, this is not a damned game.

Evidently, the Dems think it might be a game because just the other day, a couple, 80 and 77, were scooped up and displaced from their Lake Mead cabin. They have lived in there for 30 years, but the Feds didn't care...they were to be out of there while the close down was going on (don't you get extra points for old people?). Using that reasoning, then, the president and Michelle, the kids and others should be moving out of the White House.

The Dems seem to think that if they make life miserable for everyone else, the Republicans will be blamed. There's an excellent chance that is true. However, people are fickle. The longer this goes on, and the harder the Dems make it on people, the more people see these ridiculous inconsistent, doasIsaynotasIdo kinds of treatment of people, the greater appreciation people have of smaller, getoutofmyface kinds of less intrusive and cavalier treatment.

Having the representatives of our government, e.g., park rangers, bureaucrats, Et al in these anti public stances can't help but distress many people. Now that the Obamacare system is starting up, there must be a deep distrust of our government and its agenda. Obamacare anxiety will increase as the facts about the health care plan are revealed.

We will begin to understand that the core reason for this shut down is based in stories like the following: there will be people paying $700 per month in premiums for health care that they are required to buy. Of course, the bad news gets badder; the deductible for this particular plan is $14,000. If you choose not to buy insurance, the federal government will fine you. The amount of the fine is grossly unfair. We're talking major bucks (they are different amounts for different cases). Here's the fun part: the federal government, using the IRS, will take your money from you by garnishment. Also there are huge tax consequences if you don't do what you're told. Oh, I forgot. You can go to jail. Seriously.

So, perhaps the closing down of this out of control federal system is going to play into the hands of sensible Americans, of all ideologies, in that they see with their own eyes what happens when power gets into the hands of a few...what happens when there are bills passed that are too big to read...what really is important when it comes to our liberty.

And. We haven't even got to the actual health care delivery system itself. That's another issue. We don't even know if it will work under these new schedules and directives! Ask a doctor how he/she feels about all this.

Meanwhile, George. I suggest you listen to your Lovey Dovey and stop safely by the side of the road, take out your camera and click away. I'll bet there'll be plenty more after you doing the same thing. Why, that's the American thing to do, isn't it?

Thanks for the read.

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