Sunday, September 22, 2013

Palin's rant: Bombs Away on Obamacare

I admit it. I've been mad at Sarah Palin for a long time now. I think she blew it when she resigned from being governor of Alaska. That one event made her look like a quitter, someone who couldn't stand up, who just couldn't take it anymore. More importantly, if she couldn't take the job of Alaska's governor, then she obviously couldn't handle the vice presidency. It seemed to me that some people were right about her.

Moreover, she refused to turn herself into someone more serious, choosing instead to become part of a cultural phenom in which she and her family became clowns. There were the reality TV RV hunting trips that lasted one season. It was during that interminable series that we got to hear Sarah's form of swearing--"flippin" for the other f-word--and the slide down the ice sheet whilst mountain climbing, among other ignominious activities, not the least of which was shooting a wolf. From a plane. Even yelling at her kids became an enlightening moment for the rest of us. See. She IS just like us.

Then there were the moments with another reality TV woman, poor Kate Gosselin who had those eight children, and whose husband had left her for another. Sarah's ability to truly bond with women seemed suspect in that epi. Poor Kate, rain coming down, miserable and unhappy with outdoor life, looked like she wanted to shoot herself. Of course, Sarah, aka Frontier Woman, was impatient with Kate, who again, looked like she could slit her wrists, if only the kids weren't there. The kids had a great time, by the way.

Other moments of family life were uninteresting and interesting at the same time. I just couldn't believe that this slice of life in the Palin's house was really happening before us and that she allowed her family this exploitation. Yes, it was like getting down on all fours with them occasionally. They're pretty casual folks, after all.

Then came Dancing with the Stars on which one of her daughters participated. That's just an indignity I wouldn't wish on any of my friends. But the Palins were there, front and center, for the happy and exciting event.

In sum, I think the Palins decided they needed money and simply struck while the iron was hot. Isn't this a typical American story? Someone has to pay for that big motor home. And plane. And house on the lake.

For those reasons, and for one other, I was disappointed in Governor Palin (do you get to keep the office title if you resign that office?). She's stubbornly refused to capitulate to the importance of academia and her participation thereof. I just wonder.Why couldn't she have taken some time to go to graduate school, or studied areas of government affairs, or something? Many people come from remote areas of the world and get "finished," so to speak; I think "polished" is a better word for them, just by moving up and off of their own centers. There's a lack of curiosity that bothers me...and arrogance.

In this piece,, she's the feisty, old campaigner whom the right loves so much. She's also very, very bitter. But she does have points. She makes a particular one about the question of closing down the government, mainly that "they" hate us anyway, so it doesn't matter what the Republicans do.Of course, I disagree, knowing that perception in politics is reality, and a shut down government caused by Republicans regardless of their stripes is bad karma. That remains to be seen; thus the reason for defunding Obamacare without closing the government.

Mostly, her piece is pretty hot. She's out in full regalia in support of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and is challenging the power structure of the party, daring them to ignore Cruz at their own peril. She hit the nail head on with her understanding of Obamacare, The Ruination of America. We all agree there and can move forward on that issue alone. In fact, we all agree on almost everything.

When the dust clears and families are paying upwards of $600 per month in health care premiums, it likely won't matter who's in power. They won't be for long. Our economy probably cannot sustain this expensive boondoggle.

Regardless, Governor Palin is letting everyone know that no matter what "they" say about her--the media, Democrats, other Republicans--she's never going to change. And she's more engaged in that type of rhetoric than ever. There's something about that bravata that inspires me, the citizen...and scares me, the Republican, to death. She's back and I'm not sure I'm happy about that.

Thanks for the read.