Does anyone notice that many of today's images of Mr. Obama catch him with his tongue stuck in his cheek? I'm wondering if it's a birth defect which is becoming more pronounced the longer he remains president. Like a birth defect that connects with a character defect.
Beneath the the president's dry, tongue in cheek speech at Saturday's annual White House Correspondents Dinner, Mr. Obama must have been waterboarding in irony and what looked like sincere anger toward those he loves to hate.
Mr. President, the Tea Partiers, Truthers and Birthers are so first term.
I also wonder when Mr. Obama is going to get rid of that 250 year-old racism chip on his shoulder. The manner in which the president seems to want to slay these ubiquitous dragons, you know, the already dead ones such as the old Bush policies, is just tiresome and tedious, not to mention weird. But, evidently he still gets a good bit of mileage due to the depth at which Bush is disliked among his audiences.
Speaking about the dinner, there were the usual Hollywood/glitterati folks there. The vast wealth in that room must have been staggering. Clooney, Spielberg, Streisand, you name them; they were there. Dumbed down and full of themselves. (And they say Republicans have all the money.) Can Versailles be far away?
It's almost a cliche to even bring up our country's goings on--something so desperate and sad as a fertilizer store fire which killed lots of people or the terrorist Boston bombing. We are in the midst of an strange, economic situation which no one truly understands and is possibly cataclysmic. The same is true regarding our civil rights, which we are losing as fast as I can type this piece and which most people are unaware of or don't care. And if you do write about it, there's a possibility that you're going to be tagged by the Feds for being a troublemaker. I've never felt fearful of writing something--but, today I truly am.
There are huge problems surrounding the health care bill and the aging of America, as 10,000 baby boomers retire daily. We are participating in a $14 trillion dollar debt and we're hemorrhaging money while clowns like Obama pay our enemies to destroy peoples lives in foreign countries.
We've become a country full of law breakers who were inspired by corrupt officials who got away with "it" in the early nineties and now have become more of a rule than the "exception" thanks to people like Bill Clinton who had a way with words and was able to convince others what the meaning of "is" is, and what the true definition of sex is. To say that actions such as these do not affect our young people is ridiculous. Ask any mother of a teenager.
Our local officials are crooks and our teachers have failed miserably to do what they are paid to do. Our kids are locked on to some electronic device that gives them greater pleasure than being locked on to human beings. Something's wrong; everything's wrong and we must fix it, despite this tyrannical, collectivist regime.
But, let's move on.
So what if the leader of the free world has a love fest with all the swells of the world and the media/press that's so into this president they can't even begin to cover his indecent attempt of governing. They wouldn't know where to start. That would be cheating on the one you love. Besides that's a racist thing to think.
Because I and others are calling them all out as abusers of power, demagogic fools who do not perform their jobs, and because we are embarrassed and horrified at the extent of this corruption, we must be considered what "they," the elite in this country, calls "haters." They even have turned on Woodward and now, Brokaw.
In other words, as one of their own so famously retorts, What difference does it make?
Thanks for the read.
Beneath the the president's dry, tongue in cheek speech at Saturday's annual White House Correspondents Dinner, Mr. Obama must have been waterboarding in irony and what looked like sincere anger toward those he loves to hate.
Mr. President, the Tea Partiers, Truthers and Birthers are so first term.
I also wonder when Mr. Obama is going to get rid of that 250 year-old racism chip on his shoulder. The manner in which the president seems to want to slay these ubiquitous dragons, you know, the already dead ones such as the old Bush policies, is just tiresome and tedious, not to mention weird. But, evidently he still gets a good bit of mileage due to the depth at which Bush is disliked among his audiences.
Speaking about the dinner, there were the usual Hollywood/glitterati folks there. The vast wealth in that room must have been staggering. Clooney, Spielberg, Streisand, you name them; they were there. Dumbed down and full of themselves. (And they say Republicans have all the money.) Can Versailles be far away?
It's almost a cliche to even bring up our country's goings on--something so desperate and sad as a fertilizer store fire which killed lots of people or the terrorist Boston bombing. We are in the midst of an strange, economic situation which no one truly understands and is possibly cataclysmic. The same is true regarding our civil rights, which we are losing as fast as I can type this piece and which most people are unaware of or don't care. And if you do write about it, there's a possibility that you're going to be tagged by the Feds for being a troublemaker. I've never felt fearful of writing something--but, today I truly am.
There are huge problems surrounding the health care bill and the aging of America, as 10,000 baby boomers retire daily. We are participating in a $14 trillion dollar debt and we're hemorrhaging money while clowns like Obama pay our enemies to destroy peoples lives in foreign countries.
We've become a country full of law breakers who were inspired by corrupt officials who got away with "it" in the early nineties and now have become more of a rule than the "exception" thanks to people like Bill Clinton who had a way with words and was able to convince others what the meaning of "is" is, and what the true definition of sex is. To say that actions such as these do not affect our young people is ridiculous. Ask any mother of a teenager.
Our local officials are crooks and our teachers have failed miserably to do what they are paid to do. Our kids are locked on to some electronic device that gives them greater pleasure than being locked on to human beings. Something's wrong; everything's wrong and we must fix it, despite this tyrannical, collectivist regime.
But, let's move on.
So what if the leader of the free world has a love fest with all the swells of the world and the media/press that's so into this president they can't even begin to cover his indecent attempt of governing. They wouldn't know where to start. That would be cheating on the one you love. Besides that's a racist thing to think.
Because I and others are calling them all out as abusers of power, demagogic fools who do not perform their jobs, and because we are embarrassed and horrified at the extent of this corruption, we must be considered what "they," the elite in this country, calls "haters." They even have turned on Woodward and now, Brokaw.
In other words, as one of their own so famously retorts, What difference does it make?
Thanks for the read.